Tuesday, February 24, 2009

My hope for all!

Believing that I am a watchman for my family, I will be obedient and tell you my story.

I was raised in the Baptist church. My grandfather was saved late in his life and always made sure his grandchildren attended church at an early age. Every Sunday you knew that the phone was going to ring and that it would be Papaw Joe saying that he will be by to pick us up for church at 9:30 a.m. When I was 12 years old, my grandfather knew that I had been under conviction for a long time. One Sunday morning, (I can still see his handwriting on a church bulletin) he wrote "Would you like to be saved? I'll go with you down the aisle" I said yes and he walked every step with me. He and I went into one of the Sunday School rooms in the back and told me to pray to the Lord confessing to Him that I was a sinner and to ask Him into my heart. My grandfather knelt beside me and prayed himself. That is one of the most tender times in my memory. I did pray the prayer but it wasn't until I was the age of 15 years old did I realize the true commitment of giving my life to Jesus Christ. I then gave Him my heart. I have no doubt He saved me that Sunday night. I can never remember not having Jesus Christ in my life. My life has not been perfect. and the sins of the world are so tempting. Boy, did I make a mess during the years I chose to live "my way". Oh, for His Amazing Grace. The Lord has been very patience with me to have that closer relationship with me, waiting for me to know Him better. It has taken 35 years and He is a forgiving God. Deep in my heart, I felt I had let Him down, asked for forgiveness over and over again, until one day He asked "What sin?" See, He forgave me once I truly confessed my sins. It was Satan who wouldn't let me forget. God is the true potter and I have been roughest of clay to work with. I am so thankful that he is a loving and forgiving God. When I finally returned to Him, He has welcomed me back with open arms.

I know I am rambling, but I want you to know this. I am still a sinner, but I am saved by the blood of Jesus Christ. I do not deserve it. You will never be perfect and we all are sinners. "For all have sinned and come short of the Glory of God". John 3:16 says "For God so loved the world that he gave His only Son so whoever believes in Him will not perish but have everlasting life". The gift of Salvation and eternal life with our Lord is that ....a gift. But It doesn't become a gift until you take it. This gift is ready for you to just accept it. It is my prayer that if you have not accepted Jesus Christ into your heart that you do so now and start living the rest of your life abundantly. It doesn't take a big ceremony, you can do it right now. HELL is real and so is Heaven... and you don't know what tomorrow brings. Take this moment now. I'm praying for you!

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